Over at the official DC Universe blog, there are some images from the upcoming Return of Bruce Wayne, and they're pretty exciting stuff.

caveman batman
Looking at these makes me think of the goofy fantasies I had about Bruce making a dinosaur into his Batmobile when they first showed him in the cave with anthro, and seeing how close they may be to coming true makes me want to jump up and down.

return of bruce wayne
I know that there are some people who are skeptical about time-traveling Batman being canon (that's not my Batman), but man, comics are supposed to be fun, and I can't think of many things more fun than Caveman Batman, Cowboy Batman, or especially Noir Private Investigator Batman.

I have really been enjoying Dick as Batman, and I wish we had a little longer to see him trying to find his footing in the position, but at the same time, I can't wait for this. I can't wait to see Tim finally be proven right, I can't wait to see the way Bruce reacts to everything that's happened while he was gone, and I especially can't wait to see what he's been up to for all this time. For a good while now, I have felt so excited for things to come in comics, from Blackest Night and the Batman Reborn titles, and now there's this and Brightest Day, and the Heroic Age over at Marvel. It is a good time for comics. I'm happy to be a fan.


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